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PicoMaps: Current OSM-Topo-Maps for Garmin GPS-Devices

1. Installation

Additional maps may safely be stored on your GPS-device as follows:
a) Buy an additional Micro-SDHC-Card and insert it (for my GPSMAP64 max. 32GB)
b) On the new storage device create a directory called   Garmin  
c) Download the compressed map from this web-site to a PC (e.g. switzerland.zip)
d) Decompress the map on your PC: Linux: unzip switzerland.zip; Windows: e.g. with 7-Zip)
e) Copy the map (e.g. switzerland-PICO_61049.img) to your GPS device (into the directory Garmin on the additional storage device)

According to reports from colleagues, the OSM-maps provided here work on the following devices: Garmin fenix 6X Pro Solar (watch), Garmin eTrex 20, Garmin eTrex Touch 35, Garmin GPSMAP 64, Garmin GPSMAP 64s, Garmin nüvi 3590 LMT, Garmin Oregon 200, Garmin Oregon 450t, Garmin Oregon 550, Garmin Oregon 600, Garmin Oregon 650, Garmin Oregon 700, Garmin Dakota 20, Garmin Montana 650, Garmin Montana 680, Zümo 590, Garmin-Asus nüvifone A50,...
(Your feedback to extend this list is highly appreciated!!)

The newly copied maps to your GPS device do not appear in the display?
On my GPSMAP64 I currently have 16 maps (all of them PicoMaps) with a total of 11.5 GB of *.img files on an additional storage chip and they work well. Should a map not been displayed, although it is activated, it is recommended to remove other maps and to try it again. The only source describing the limits of maps I found so far is this one from Garmin.
According to this site the GPSMAP64-series has a limit of approx. 3000 tiles. The current amount of tiles of the 16 stored maps on my GPS is 3288. I will test soon, how many additional maps/tiles I will be able to load on my device.

2. Screenshots and Specifications

The examples below depict various zoom-levels of the generated OpenStreetMaps (OSM-maps) typically used while geocaching for areas in Switzerland, France, Austria, and Italy.
The text in the black field on top of the screenshots of the GPSMAP64 indicates, on what item the cursor (white arrow) points to.




FRANCE - Leucate Plage



AUSTRIA - Leopoldsberg



ITALY - Cogoleto


Three larger Maps may be found here: Opfikon near Zurich, Altenrhein at the Lake Constance and Engehalbinsel near Berne.

All PicoMaps offline maps are optimized for geocaching. Differentiation of the various forest types are omitted, because such information is not relevant while searching for geocaches, and because they are irritating. Lakes and creeks are depicted in dark blue in order to clearly show them also in forest areas. Fences and cliffs are shown in red, as they represent important obstacles and may be dangerous while geocaching.
Places with drinking water (red-surrounded blue 'T'), toilets (red-surrounded black 'T'), and subway-entrances (white 'U' on blue ground) are specially marked.
PicoMaps are topographic maps: Contour lines are depicted in brown color every 10m and every 100m they are drawn as fat lines. Contour lines are important for us in order to choose the most suited way/path while caching.
For better recognition state boundaries are drawn in green and with a special signature. We use the same color - but with a thinner line) for boundaries of cantons (Switzerland), German federal states and US states.
Freeways ('Autobahnen') appear in a dark orange color and all of the other streets of any kind in a golden yellow. Restriced streets are drawn in a bright red.

Following a wish of many users, routing for paths in forests has been activated again. Thus, the exact type of the way may not appear very exactly when zooming into the map (e.g. "[Radweg]" instead of "Bergweg"). The maps are capable for routing and usage in a car. However, the pre-installed Garmin-maps in the GPS-devices for cars seem to be much more user-friendly.
The style (here PICO) and the family-ID of the provied maps are contained in the names in order to allow differentiation of the loaded maps from each other.
Should houses not appear anymore in the maps or should any other unexptected effects appear on the maps, it is recommend to de-activate all maps of the surrounding areas (map - menu - maps - choose map - select map and deactivate it). Usually I got the best results if there is only one map activated.
The family-ID of all maps available here ranges between 61000 and 62000 and is different for each of the maps, so they do not get into conflict with other maps installed.

3. Maps for Download

The list of freely downloadable maps will be extended from time to time and the individual maps are updated at irregular intervals.
The date stands for the generating time and thus for the currentness of the underlying OSM map data. The size of the downloadable zip-files is given in brackets. Attention: The unzipped maps of the type *.img are approx. 30-40% larger than the downloaded zip-file! Whenever possible, the overview-maps have been generated using the software QLandkarteGT.
The list of available maps is first sorted according to the large regions (AFrica, ASia, CentralAmerica, EUrope and Near East, South America), OCeania, the USA, and alphabetically within these large regions.

- AF Morocco: morocco.zip (457M) -> morocco.img (511M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-20:30

- AF Tunisia: tunisia.zip (92M) -> tunisia.img (111M)- Overview / Übersicht 24Aug2023-02:48

- AS Indonesia (no contour lines / ohne Höhenlinien!): indonesia_oHL.zip (126M) - Overview / Übersicht 17Nov2015-22:22

- AS Nepal: nepal.zip (527M) -> nepal.img (610M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-22:11

- AS Philippines: philippines.zip (581M) -> philippines.img (717M)- Overview / Übersicht 23Aug2023-09:56

- AS SaudiArabia, Oman, Katar, Bahrein, VAE: gcc-states.zip (1.2G) -> gcc-states.img (1.4G)- Overview / Übersicht 25Mar2025-08:05

- AS Thailand: thailand.zip (630M) -> thailand.img (740M)- Overview / Übersicht 24Aug2023-02:32

- CA Costa Rica: costa-rica.zip (84M) -> costa-rica.img (95M)- Overview / Übersicht 23Mar2025-21:12

- EU Albania: albania.zip (75M) -> albania.img (83M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-00:57

- EU Andorra: andorra.zip (4.3M) -> andorra.img (4.9M)- Overview / Übersicht 24Mar2025-22:22

- EU Austria: austria.zip (651M) -> austria.img (765M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-03:55

- EU Austria-bigplus: austria-bigplus.zip (2.5G) -> austria-bigplus.img (3.1G)- Overview / Übersicht 6Jan2021-11:28

- EU Azores: azores.zip (11M) -> azores.img (14M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-04:04

- EU Belgium: belgium.zip (251M) -> belgium.img (322M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-04:39

- EU Bosnia-Herzegovina: bosnia-herzegovina.zip (165M) -> bosnia-herzegovina.img (184M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-07:57

- EU Canary Islands: canary-islands.zip (38M) -> canary-islands.img (47M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-08:08

- EU Croatia: croatia.zip (168M) -> croatia.img (196M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-08:53

- EU Cyprus: cyprus.zip (29M) -> cyprus.img (35M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-09:01

- EU Czech Republic: czech-republic.zip (399M) -> czech-republic.img (477M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-10:13

- EU Denmark: denmark.zip (223M) -> denmark.img (291M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-10:46

- EU Estonia: estonia.zip (72M) -> estonia.img (89M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-11:03

- EU Faroe-Islands: faroe-islands.zip (6.5M) -> faroe-islands.img (7.5M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-11:05

- EU Finland: finland.zip (587M) -> finland.img (702M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-13:06

- EU France (incl. Monaco): france.zip (2.4G) -> france.img (3.1G)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-21:21

- EU Germany: germany.zip (2.3G) -> germany.img (3.0G)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-02:48

- EU Great Britain (incl. Isle of Man): great-britain.zip (1.2G) -> great-britain.img (1.5G)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-06:11

- EU Greece: greece.zip (359M) -> greece.img (411M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-07:16

- EU Hungary: hungary.zip (166M) -> hungary.img (211M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-08:22

- EU Iceland: iceland.zip (121M) -> iceland.img (132M)- Overview / Übersicht 24Mar2025-00:24

- EU Ireland & Northern Ireland: ireland-and-northern-ireland.zip (221M) -> ireland-and-northern-ireland.img (278M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-09:42

- EU Israel & Palestine: israel-and-palestine.zip (80M) -> israel-and-palestine.img (101M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-09:57

- EU Italy (incl. Vatican & San Marino): italy.zip (1.7G) -> italy.img (2.0G)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-17:33

- EU Jordan: jordan.zip (50M) -> jordan.img (59M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-17:51

- EU Kosovo: kosovo.zip (31M) -> kosovo.img (36M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-17:57

- EU Latvia: latvia.zip (92M) -> latvia.img (113M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-18:10

- EU Lebanon: lebanon.zip (37M) -> lebanon.img (45M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-18:20

- EU Liechtenstein: liechtenstein.zip (2.4M) -> liechtenstein.img (2.9M)- Overview / Übersicht 25Mar2025-00:21

- EU Lithuania: lithuania.zip (128M) -> lithuania.img (159M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-18:34

- EU Luxembourg: luxembourg.zip (25M) -> luxembourg.img (31M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-18:40

- EU Macedonia: macedonia.zip (50M) -> macedonia.img (55M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-18:50

- EU Malta: malta.zip (4.7M) -> malta.img (6.4M)- Overview / Übersicht 25Mar2025-00:28

- EU Montenegro: montenegro.zip (44M) -> montenegro.img (49M)- Overview / Übersicht 25Mar2025-01:07

- EU Netherlands: netherlands.zip (403M) -> netherlands.img (530M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-23:35

- EU Norway: norway.zip (1.5G) -> norway.img (1.8G)- Overview / Übersicht 23Aug2023-08:13

- EU Portugal (incl. Madeira): portugal.zip (220M) -> portugal.img (275M)- Overview / Übersicht 23Aug2023-10:33

- EU Slovakia: slovakia.zip (205M) -> slovakia.img (243M)- Overview / Übersicht 23Aug2023-11:28

- EU Slovenia: slovenia.zip (206M) -> slovenia.img (235M)- Overview / Übersicht 23Aug2023-12:15

- EU Spain (incl. Balearic Islands, excl. Andorra; Canary Islands: separate maps!): spain.zip (1.6G) -> spain.img (1.8G)- Overview / Übersicht 23Aug2023-19:35

- EU Sweden: sweden.zip (783M) -> sweden.img (924M)- Overview / Übersicht 23Aug2023-22:52

- EU Switzerland: switzerland.zip (409M) -> switzerland.img (491M)- Overview / Übersicht 23Mar2025-09:09

- EU Switzerland-bigplus: switzerland-bigplus.zip (2.9G) -> switzerland-bigplus.img (3.5G)- Overview / Übersicht 17Aug2023-13:13

- EU Switzerland-plus: switzerland-plus.zip (988M) -> switzerland-plus.img (1.2G)- Overview / Übersicht 16Aug2023-17:49

- EU Syria: syria.zip (95M) -> syria.img (117M)- Overview / Übersicht 24Aug2023-01:00

- EU Turkey: turkey.zip (1.3G) -> turkey.img (1.4G)- Overview / Übersicht 24Aug2023-06:19

- OC Fiji: fiji.zip (30M) -> fiji.img (33M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-11:14

- OC French Polynesia: polynesie-francaise.zip (13M) -> polynesie-francaise.img (16M)- Overview / Übersicht 16Nov2023-01:55

- SA Bolivia: bolivia.zip (750M) -> bolivia.img (818M)- Overview / Übersicht 21Aug2023-07:14

- SA Haiti & Dominican Republic: haiti-and-domrep.zip (121M) -> haiti-and-domrep.img (144M)- Overview / Übersicht 22Aug2023-07:41

(Number of currently available maps: 58; Maps currently in progress: --)

4. Authorship

These maps were generated using data from the OSM-project (http://www.openstreetmap.org/), specifically from Geofabrik.de (http://download.geofabrik.de/), contour lines from NASA (SRTM) and other sources with digital contour-models (both using phyghtmap (http://katze.tfiu.de/projects/phyghtmap/), configuration files of the project 'Freizeitkarte' (http://freizeitkarte-osm.de/), various open-source-software such as e.g. mkgmap (http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/), and software from TheRaven and PicoKnirps.
A big "thank you* belongs to all the mappers, who contribute to the extension and improvement of the OSM-maps used for this project.
The design of the maps provided here (PicoMaps) was established using styles from various sources and has been strongly modified and extended. The look of the maps was designed according to our needs (Team PicoKnirps) while caching at various regions; some useful suggestions from colleagues have been implemented as well.

5. Rights of Use

These maps are under the license CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 (approriate credit, non-commercial, share alike under the same license).

6. Exclusion of Liability

Any liability for the download, installation and usage of these maps is excluded.

7. Themes for c:geo

Themes/Styles for c:geo, if the maps Freizeitkarten are installed there. With this style, the maps look similar as the OSM maps available above using the style PICO: Download freizeitPKtheme_24Apr21.zip
A detailed description and instructions on how to install it is available here: c:geo

Last Update: 25Mar2025-17:36 - Created: 16Jun2015 / PicoKnirps