Links for GeoCachers


- swissGEOcache especially for Switzerland

- Forum for Swiss Cachers especially for Switzerland

- Geocaching XT Useful maps and lists for cachers in Switzerland

- Schatzsuche von Algorithmus Many useful infos and statistics for cachers in Switzerland

- Geocaching by bonstetten Useful links for cachers in Switzerland

- Statistics for Swiss cachers Hava a look of the top-100 Swiss geocachers

- Geocaching statistics by E-Spark Useful statistics for cachers in Switzerland--- currently inactive!

- Geocaching by munds Useful infos for cachers in Switzerland

- A cheap GPS receiver: The Geko 101 (in Deutscher Sprache)

- Der Schweizer Geocaching Podcast (in Deutscher Sprache)



- Geocaches in Austria

- Austrian Geocaching Statistics

- Austrian Geocaching Statistics (old link)



- Caches in France

- Activity of cachers in France



- Geocaches in Germany


Austria, Germany, Switzerland:

- Opencaching in Central Europe

- Suchmaschine f�r Geodienste, Geodaten und online-Karten



- Main homepage for many cachers

- Necessary to log a TravelBug (TB) found by you

- Quick Links (very useful hint from swissgeocache)

- Buxley's Geocaching Waypoint Very useful web-pages with maps of caches around the world

- Rankings for Swiss geocachers with 200 or more finds. Interesting statistics maintained by Grand High Pobah.

- Rankings of all geocachers world-wide with 200 or more finds. Interesting statistics maintained by Grand High Pobah; did you know, that some cachers found more than 90'000 caches??

- GSAK A very useful software I use for downloading cache coordinates (especially pocket queries) to my GPS in the car (unfortunately for Windows only)

- PodCacher An interesting broadcasting show in English (Link received from wizzzzard)

- jestcaching A blog by Jestjuggle

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Last Update: 22May2011 - Created: 06Dec2005 / PicoKnirps